moyen le plus simple de faire Délicieux Pan con tomate...

Pan con tomate.... Photo by Alex Lau, food styling by Susie Theodorou, prop styling by Aneta Florczyk Spoiler alert: We broke with tradition.. Pan con Tomate (Bread with Tomato) is sometimes called Pan a la Catalana in other parts of Spain. It is one of the simplest, the most well-loved, the most widely eaten and the most famous dishes from Cataluña.

Pan con tomate... Pan con tomate is traditionally a humble dish, a way to make a single tomato and some old bread serve a family for lunch. For Tertulia's version, use a box grater to shred the best tomato you can find. Add salt and a big drizzle of fruity Spanish olive oil, then a little less of sherry vinegar. Vous pouvez cuisiner Pan con tomate... utilisant 7 Ingrédients et 7 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Pan con tomate...

  1. Préparer 2 of tranches Pain à bruschetta.
  2. C'est of Tomate (ou comme c est pas la saison coulis).
  3. Préparer of Ail.
  4. Vous avez besoin of Jambon cru.
  5. C'est of Variante.
  6. Vous avez besoin of Rajouter de la mozzarella.
  7. C'est of Ou rajouter du gruyère râpée.

Pan con tomate, also known in Spain as pan tumaca or pa amb tomàquet in Catalan, is toasted bread topped with juicy tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, and salt. In Spain, pan con tomate is (almost!) its own food group. Its rich social value lies in its use as a favorite mid-morning snack or second breakfast among Spaniards, bringing them together to keep blood sugar high before eating. Pan con tomate is just about as humble as tapas can get.

Pan con tomate... pas à pas de recette

  1. Mettre les tranches 5 minutes au four juste pour faire "sécher" Le pain.
  2. Frotter l ail cru sur le pain (les 2 faces).
  3. Remettre au four quelques minutes.
  4. Frotter soit une tomate fraîche (en saison) soit un sont de coulis.
  5. Je remet au four quelques minutes (2/3).
  6. Je pose mon jambon cru dessus.
  7. Ma variante je met de la mozzarella je fait dorer au four et pose ensuite le jambon cru dessus.

It's got only five ingredients—bread, tomato, olive oil, garlic, and salt—and requires barely any actual cooking, yet it's precisely this simplicity and restraint that make it such a perfect end-of-summer dish. Cut each of the tomatoes in half. Place a grater over a large mixing bowl. Rub the open face of the tomato into the grater until the flesh of the tomato is gone. Whisk the olive oil into the bowl.


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