moyen le plus simple de préparer Savoureux Cookie speculoos

Cookie speculoos. Speculoos (or Speculaas) Cookies in their most simple form are a roll and cut shortcrust cookie. They can be quite plain to look at but it's what's inside that counts. These cookies have a buttery, delicate crumb scented with a combination of warming speculaas spices.

Cookie speculoos In case you haven't noticed, under the "Recipe" tab in the top menu, you can search for recipes by season or by holiday. Sift together flour, spices, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In the work bowl of a stand mixer, cream together butter, white sugar, brown sugar and vanilla. Vous pouvez cuisiner Cookie speculoos utilisant 7 Ingrédients et 5 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Cookie speculoos

  1. Vous avez besoin 80 g of beurre.
  2. Préparer 20 g of sucre.
  3. Vous avez besoin 1 of oeuf.
  4. Préparer 120 g of farine.
  5. Préparer 1 cuillère à café of levure chimique.
  6. C'est 60 g of speculoos mixé.
  7. Préparer 4 of biscuits speculoos.

Add dry ingredients to mixer, a few spoonfuls at a time, mixing on low speed until combined. Wrap dough tightly in plastic wrap. Speculoos, as they're called in Belgium, are spiced gingerbread shortcrust cookies that are traditionally made and eaten on St. Nicholas Day and throughout the Christmas holiday season.

Cookie speculoos instructions de recette

  1. Mélanger le beurre, le sucre et l'œuf.
  2. Ajouter la farine, la levure et les speculoos mixé et mélanger.
  3. Émietter grossièrement les 4 speculoos et les incorporer à la pâte.
  4. Former des boules.
  5. Enfourner 15 mn au four à 180°c.

They're traditionally embossed with designs using wooden molds, special rolling pins, or cookie stamps. Speculoos in Belgium, speculaas in the Netherlands, and spekulatius in Germany, this is the story of this world famous little brown biscuit, traditionally prepared for Saint Nicholas Day. What is the origin of the name speculoos? Let cool on sheets on wire racks. Optional: use speculoos style cookie molds to shape cookies.


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